Members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) had a special guest speaker today. Chandler Ross, a 2017 SIA graduate, spoke to students about handling adversity. Chandler was recently diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer. He is currently undergoing treatment at St. Jude in Memphis.
Chandler discussed some of the challenges he is facing and told students how they can make a conscious choice to deal with life’s challenges by putting their faith in God and by choosing to be positive. He quoted 1 Peter 5:5-9 in which Peter urges Christians to humble themselves and give their worries to God. He warns us to be alert of Satan because he wants to cause harm and weaken our faith, but we can resist him by fighting back, trusting God, and standing firm in our faith.
During his visit, he also got a chance to visit with some younger students. Remember to keep him and his family lifted in prayer. #TeamBossRoss